January/February gigs

For the rest of the gigs, see Upcoming Shows above. Or click here: Upcoming Shows


January 30 – w/Sugar Ray and the Bluetones, The Knickerbocker Cafe, Westerly, RI www.theknickerbockercafe.com

January 31 – w/Johnny Hoy and the Bluefish, Ryles Jazz Club, Cambridge, MA http://www.rylesjazz.com


February 1 – w/Sugar Ray and the Bluetones, Narragansett Cafe, Jamestown, RI (1-4 pm) www.narragansettcafe.com

February 5 – w/Anthony Geraci, Michael “Mudcat” Ward, and Marty Richards, Venus II, Marshfield, MA

February 13 – w/Sugar Ray and the Bluetones, The Spire Center For the Performing Arts, Plymouth, MA www.spirecenter.org

February 25 – Blues Jam with the Double D’s, The Tavern From Tower Square, Plainville, MA